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Bella Beltran

How Aislinn Garza Dealt With Rejection In A Male Dominated Field & What We Need To Know:

Recently, I was able to interview Aislinn Garza, who works in community marketing for Minor League Baseball and also is a Content Marketing Manager for the College Football Playoff Houston 2024 host committee.I was able to collect information on how Garza landed jobs in the sports industry, as well as understanding the highs and lows of her process.

Garza studied at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, LA. She received her Bachelor's Degree In dance, sports studies, and spanish. As well as her Masters in exercise physiology, and sports psychology.

How did Garza land these jobs you may ask? Well the process was not easy. Garza was building her way up in the sports industry, starting off as a teacher and coach for 13 years. She was still trying to find her true passion in this field. With the help of social media growing at the time, she decided to implement both together. Storytelling and finding new perspectives as well as humanizing athletes and sports.

However, finding jobs was where Garza felt the struggle. Rejection wasn’t something she was necessarily ashamed of. This was her shot at growing and improving. “I had been applying for jobs and just getting shut down left and right. I was pretty down in the dumps.”

Garza’s first job in the sports field was a part time/ homestand job as a ticket seller for the Space Cowboys, also known as the Houston Astros’ Triple A team.At the time, Garza was also working for the Savannah Bananas. She was later given the option to become an associate for them and took the opportunity. Garza stated, “I don’t think I would have gotten here without the Bananas.”

As someone who wants a career in the sports industry, what better way to ask for advice than ask a woman in the sports field?

I asked Garza what her words of advice were for women aiming for a job like hers/ in the sports field.

Garza stated, “Be a sponge- learn everything you can from everyone you can. Everyone's an expert in something and is valuable. Be KIND to people, especially those who think they’re not seen. Be a girls girl and don’t be afraid to ask questions because there’s room at the table for all of us to eat...Lastly, be unapologetic about being yourself. The sports world ( and the world in general) needs exactly who you are.” said Garza.

As for many women striving to work in the sports field, she had many inspirations and people she’d look up to. Even one being her own coworker.

“Oh my gosh. I feel like I look up to so many people. Hilary Scheinuk is a good friend of mine and an AMAZING photographer who guides me and gives the best feedback. My coworker Tracy Hsia is a total breath of fresh air and is so good at keeping up with trends and editing. ALL of the women I follow on social media! have inspired and encouraged me so much on days that I felt like I just couldn't go on,” said Garza.

One thing I learned after interviewing Garza is to never give up on what you’re passionate about. Create your own career and be yourself. Rejection is redirection and Garza proved that to me & will inspire many women in the sports industry as she did for me.

*All photos courtesy of Aislinn Garza*

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